:: Saturday, March 15, 2003 :: Jimpunk's javascript work, more browser.art than net.art, has been around for quite a while, but its always worth checking back to his website to see new pieces. "Aleilissa" is one of these works thats worth the trip. If your low on memory close a few windows, maybe applications as well then sit back and enjoy!:: Friday, March 14, 2003 :: The following is a review that was originally posted on Thursday 13, 2003. For some reason, only part of it appeared on the weblog. It is here posted again. In 1998 Jeroen Bosch started to build a collection of screencaptures of desktops from famous Dutch Internet Personalities. When the collection became too large he handed it over to the webdesigners portal k10k where it got the name "On Display" and became, with 1000's of submitted desktops, one of the biggest internet's hits so far. The project is still running and if you want to be part of it you can of course submit your desktop too.:: Thursday, March 13, 2003 :: Staying informed is probably the hardest part of being a net.artist / new media artist. With the advant of the internet, information has become more easily accessible than ever before yet paradoxically harder to access! No one website has the definitive picture of net.art and contains all the calls for participation, links to new works etc. This has its positive and negative sides. There is no autocracy or at least should'nt be due to the ease of manipulation of the information yet time and time again many websites try to be the "one-stop shop" for net.art which is perhaps why they fail! politicalgraphics.org Some Recent additions to the new media fix include the Italian net art magazine Random, the Brazilian resource arteonline, the Argentinian new media lab limb0.org, and the virtual art gallery boringart.org. For more resources look under the New Media Fix. Also, please send us URLs of a resource organization. Judith Villamayor develops websites based on structural strategies. Some of her pieces include Libro 2: Moma.org an eloquent appropriation of the MoMA as it appeared on March 2002. She also appropriated Argentina's National Museum of Fine Arts' (mbna.org.ar) website as mnba.com.ar with careful adjustments throughout the webpages to create social commentary. doctorhugo.com is a webiste with so much information that it is quickly becoming a major resource for net art enthusiasts. It contains theoretical texts such as History of the Internet and Critique of Net Art, as well as links to documentation of pieces that exist outside of the web. This website is close to becoming an institution on itself, which is not always a bad thing.:: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 :: Destroyevil.com by Katie Bush is a site of "Evil animations" initiated post George W Bush's 'Axis of Evil' speech. Each day, starting from january 1st 2003, the artist adds an animation on the theme of evil / George Bush / war etc. Though there's hardly any attention for it, there's really a netartscene in Poland. Here are 14 links to projects by different Polish netartists from the NNK art server ::: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 :: Ryan Griffis is currently the guest curator at Turbulence.org. His curated exhibition Subrational eRuptions evaluates resistance's cultural role in global terms. Griffis contextualizes the selected pieces within Frankfurt School philosophy while stating that the specific philosophical stance is not meant to limit the understanding of the works -- but, instead, such contextualization should be considered a starting point to better understand current arguments. http://meta.am/graphic/tive/ Dutch netart critic Josephine Bosma did interview a lot of netartists. To name but a few: Jodi, RTMark, Alexei Shulgin, Heath Bunting, Cornelia Sollfranck, Olia Lialina, critical art ensemble, Vuk Cosic, Fakeshop, Margarete Jahrmann, Keiko Suzuki, Helen Thorington, Marko Peljhan, Mez, Igor Stromajer, Prema Murthy, Cary Peppermint, Graham Harwood and Frederic Madre. You can find all interviews with the artists above and a lot more in Josephine Bosma's Database at laudanum.net. Following on from works against / for or recontextualising rhizome, lab404's Curt Cloninger has decided for some unknown reason that its time that net.art goes metal!!!. Why who knows? Is it a means to reflect on how the once subversive art form has become mainstream and is slowly becoming a parody of itself much like the music form? Whatever the reason the work certainly leaves you with no doubt as to how easily it is to subvert / steal / fake / copy / paste / frame anything online back into any context you want.:: Monday, March 10, 2003 :: Electronic Book Review Argentinian visual buffet Doma.tv Poetic language is elegantly presented in a soothing Flash interface. The project Feel dealing with narratives inspired by personal experiences was done as a commision for the Horizon Zero Website. Though the web project is a little hard to navigate, the personal stories shared by the artist and the contributors are worth the effort of learning. Best of all, anyone visiting the site can also submit her own personal narrative that immediately becomes part of the net piece. This is one of the few websites effectively using Flash technology as a rich visual cultural vessel, while also making the most of the graphic program's database access and input possibilities. Here is a great opportunity to become involved in healthy global activism while also making art for the net. Bannerart.org and Velvet Strike will be accepting submissions for their upcoming banner art exhibition. Here is a direct quote from the website's front page: You have Rhizome lovers and haters. After Rhizome is a website that has put a few Pro and Contra arguments next to each other. Though this site is clearly not on the Rhizome side (=understatement) the arguments it uses are for a change not only based on emotions but also on facts. For that reason they could well trigger a new debate on some Rhizome issues, as for example free access for people that have work in the artbase, or issues regarding the Rhizome membership agreement. Next to all the Pro and Contras After Rhizome reviews a lot of sites that can be seen as free alternatives to Rhizome. So really a site worth visiting if you want to read some indepth arguments why not to spend your money on Rhizome, or when you search for free Rhizome alternatives, or when you love Rhizome but you think the no.1 netart resource is just not enough.:: Sunday, March 09, 2003 :: Stelarc's new work is being premiered this weekend at the ICA in London. The Installation entitled "Prosthetic Head" can be viewed from March 7th to the 12th, from 12-6pm each day. Soundtoys is making a Call for Submissions for an update to their website. They "are looking for contributions of audio visual interactive works, net art, web design, application software, multimedia, generative music, interactive environments, and essays." This has quite possibly got to be the strangist call for project proposals I've seen yet... Following Kristen's recent review of the flash animation Kuntsbar, I would like to recommend Nowhere to Run Nowhere to Hide an online animation dealing with possible bombings as an answer to terrorism. The animation has been around for some time now, but is definitely worth another viewing. If anything the little project is able to point to the terrible consequences that a war can bring. Here are some recent additions to the New Media Fix: Artist Union is currently asking for submissions to create an art database, Yea01.com is a web space featuring artist net projects bimonthly, Center Pompidou is currently exhibiting Un tour du monde du web, which traces the early history of the web by European artists, some which include Vuc Kosic and Isabelle Arvers. A great database that is a thrill to visit is the netartlatino database where sophisticated net pieces can be found, and Cyber lounge at the Museo Tamayo. For more resources look over the New Media Fix. Resources will be emphasized on the weblog from time to time, as these are added. |