:: Saturday, April 19, 2003 :: Mail art has been around for quite some time. Here are two mail art links recently added to the New Media Fix: iuoma.org, and its public listing on Yahoo. It should be noted that mail art is not necessarily e-mail art, though the terms can crossover sometimes -- but look over the sites to get a better understanding of the art medium. The resources are listed in the Fix due to mail art's close relationship to the net as an early medium preceding decentralized communication.:: Friday, April 18, 2003 :: Hey my Friend What's the Matter? is a net piece by Pino Boresta. The project combines established art strategies, such as documentation of a past event (photo stills), performance (the actual act that was photographed), and user interactivity (visitors to the site being invited to contribute an opinion). How far can simple jpegs and gifs be taken to make a 'deep' art statement on net technology? Very far. Abe Linkoln recently released Complex Net Art Diagram a project inspired by MTAA's Simple Net Art Diagram. Linkoln has pushed the principle behind the original diagram to a rather complex level, where ideologies are unexpectedly mixed with pseudo-code aesthetics.:: Thursday, April 17, 2003 :: Criticism of the recent war in Iraq has been overwhelming. Net Art Review has received quite a few web projects that openly critique the coalition -- more specifically the United States. To do justice to the art work that has been submitted, here is a brief note on some of the latest pieces::: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 :: Paul Thayer is a netartist from Island whose core work evolves around sound, computers and the internet. His latest piece PANSE is an Mp3 streaming audio program with a tcp server running at port 6667 that allows for multi-user, realtime interaction. An example of this realtime interaction is the Flashmovie on the frontpage that allows you to change the sound, but it should be noted that you should be streaming sound when you actually want to hear this. Access to the server is completely open so anyone who has a bit of knowledge of programming can create an interface, in Flash for instance, to control the audio program. But Panse can do more, on this page you can find a small collection of experiments with the PANSE server by Paul Thayer. Besides all this active input you can of course also choose to listen to the MP3 stream. Keeping up with global awareness::: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 :: Incident have just launched their exhibition "DRAPE" (look under "hors series > drape"), the fourth exhibition in their series resulting from a call for participation through mailing lists. The theme for the exhibition (drape/curtain) is as the last two have been, founded in classical art themes yet exhibited here (obviously) in new media forms. Its as the 'collective' incident say "C'est un sujet d'école", (its a subject of art school) associated with life drawing classes where ideas such as texture and gravity are foremost to the composition yet (note the irony!) have little ground in new media and so makes the subject more challenging / less restraining. A fifth call for works will be made under the theme of "NATURE MORTE" (dead nature) soon so keep an eye on those mailing lists. Arte.tv is a good resource for new media video documentaries. Press release excerpt::: Monday, April 14, 2003 :: Here is a streaming event that might be worth checking out: Creative Capital recently published highlights of their 2002 grantees. All artists interested in applying for grants should look in Creative Capital's schedule for application. (hint: no grants are available until next year.) ![]() |